Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cup Weekend on the Murray

Cup weekend this year was very exciting, as for the first time in many years I managed to go away as I wasn't working or studying for exams!!!

With my brother Gwilym, his wife Bec, two of Bec's brothers, and one of their girlfriends, we went up to the Murray River, and spent 4 days "rafting". This largely consisted of sitting on a home made raft, and allowing the river to carry us downstream, and trying not to get stuck on the submerged trees along the way.

It was a very relaxing weekend, with just enough excitement thrown in to keep us from getting completely bored. There was a lot of sleeping done, just enough paddling, and lots of lazing on a very small deck.

Being Cup Weekend, there were a lot of people camped along the riverbank, and we received a lot of comments on what were we doing, along with it looks like a lot of fun, looks relaxing, and we seem to be missing a motor.

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