Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Vulture Restaurant


Kuza and Satara


Hammy and I

Went on a balloon flight at dawn this morning-soo nice, peaceful, beautiful, an amazing experience. We got to see some Impala, Giraffe and Wilderbees from up there. Very worth the money spent on it-and a great way to say goodbye to the other two people who went and were leaving today.


Unknown said...

Have just showed Mumma and Rose, lucky you to have been up in a balloon.
What type of animal is Hammy?

Love Mum, Mumma and rRse

Rhiannon said...

Hammy is a Honey Badger, and she has a partner Stoffel, but you cant play with him as he bites and will escape

Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful, the photo's are great and it looks like you are having a great time. There'll be lots to scrapbook and tell us when you return!Glad your having such a good time. Love Auntie Vicki

Unknown said...

HONEY BADGERS!!!! I thought they were one of the most vicious mean animals that never forget a grudge in Africa...
{But then my knowledge of them is from The God's must be Crazy II.


What's it trying to do there - eat your fingers...

I'm positive you are going to make something a meal.



Zoe said...

I think that Hammy is tasting her fingers to figure out exactly how tasty she is.

she looks so nice and furry and cuddly.

love zoe

Lhassa said...

Très belles photos, je suppose qu'il s'agit d'une réserve d'animaux sauvages. Tu as de la chance de pouvoir admirer ces paysages en direct.