Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back in the land of Oz

After 9.5 months, 3 continents, 31 countries, and one hell of an awesome holiday, I finally arrived home Tuesday morning a 6.30am, a nice early morning for my parents and grandma who came out to pick me up.

Over the last 9.5 months I have been happy, sad, scared, excited, overwealmed, amazed, lost, confused, angry, annoyed, injured, awestruck, lonely. It has been the hardest, most exciting, interesting remarkable holiday I have been on, I have met the most amazing people, seen some truely unbelievable sites, been hot airballooning, dog sledging, skiing, driven on the wrong side of the road (for us Aussies), walked with Lions, been locked in a car with a cheetah, fed vultures, had so many delays. At times I have wanted to give up and jump on the next plane home, but the final destination (when I eventually get there) has always been more than worth it.

The experiences I have had, the sights I have seen, cannot be done justice to with words, to truely understand they must be seen. They say a picture says a thousand words, but the experience in getting those pictures are priceless.

What does the future hold for me now.....I head back to work after a weeks rest and relaxation, to slave my guts out so I can save as much money as possible so I can head back on my next adventure as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhiannon!
Well done!
All the best from Geoff!