Friday, July 20, 2012


So it is the end of our second week and we have our first exam/test tomorrow. Slightly scared about it, as there is a lot to know about it already, Vehicles, radio, communication, introduction mammals, stuff from game drives-not sure how it is all going to stick in my head. Today is going to be a long day of study, then test tomorrow morning and back to the study on Saturday afternoon and Sunday ready for next weeks learning!

Had a good week, finally got to see a lion after two days of tracking it, but have also learnt a lot about mammals some more tree names, got plenty of homework leant a couple of birds AND their calls (not enought though!) and passed my driving assesment (not the driving test havent had that yet) but am now allowed to drive the vehicles on the game drives, still need the driving license so I can take guests out while on my placement.

White Backed Vulture


Lion playing/lazing

1 comment:

Ross said...

good luck with the test
keep the photos coming
